Trash Matters

This morning my husband and I were talking trash… not the way you may think of talking trash. We were discussing the amount of trash people create...

This morning my husband and I were talking trash… not the way you may think of talking trash. We were discussing the amount of trash people create just by eating.

Food was created to nourish our bodies as well as add nutrients back into the earth. However, our lifestyles of food wrappers, bottled water, food containers are damaging the earth and many are not getting the nourishment needed to live a healthy life. This leaves many with dis-ease.

As Christians, we are called to live differently and spread the love and care Jesus has for the world. I feel many of us have the right concept however we discount the way we consume as a great display of God’s loving way.

God created everything and it was very good (Genesis 1:31) What happened?

When we read on in Genesis 2:9, His word says, The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground – trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food.

All throughout Gods word we will find references of food, fruit, roots, soil, branches, vines… some of these references are to be taken literally and others as gifts we are to spread in sharing His love through us. I have to wonder though...

How have we gotten so far from looking at food that grows as it is pleasing and looking to Kellogg, Nabisco and Duncan Hines for satisfaction?

As Mick Jagger sang, I can’t get NO satisfaction, when it comes to foods that were not created to nourish my body. I used to fill up 3-5 trash bags a week full of containers that my “food” came in. You may be able to relate. Now we have 1 bag of trash that is sometimes not even full. I will share with you some tips on how to reduce your trash and increase your health.

  1. Get a water filter and reusable water container/bottle

  2. Prepare your meals at home (Fast Food fills up landfills FAST)

  3. Buy fresh vegetables, not frozen or canned

  4. Purchase nuts, grains, beans, seeds in the bulk section at the grocery store

  5. Buy snacks that don’t have wrappers

These are just a few ways to help reduce your trash production! Maybe pick one and commit to that ONE thing today, you might be surprised how that ONE thing will begin to create more healthy habits.

4:8 Lifestyle is what God gave me and you to live a different way.

We were designed in His image, do we treat ourselves as such? It all begins with our thoughts, then our thoughts lead to our actions and our actions create our patterns that pave our future.

Let's lead our future to be less trashy!